Adult Basic Education (ABE) 

Adult Basic Education (ABE) refers to instruction for adults to improve fundamental skills in reading, writing, math, and basic computer literacy below the secondary level. Typically, ABE
programs are designed to support students in the pursuit of better employment, career-related training and credentials, and/or the eventual pursuit of a high school equivalency diploma. ABE students make up about 45% of the WIOA Title II Participants in North Carolina. 

In program year 2023-2024: 

  • 7,398 (almost 37%) of ABE participants earned a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Almost 9% of ABE participants were in an Integrated Education and Training (IET) Program, where they learn workforce preparation, adult basic education, and occupational skills concurrently. 
  •  Just over 16% of ABE participants self-reported having a disability.  
Under the Adult Basic Education program, instructors help adults improve fundamental skills in reading, writing, math, and basic computer literacy
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