Program Performance and Operations
The Program Performance and Operations team ensures accountability at the local level through technical assistance with regards to state, federal, and local policies and how they impact quality and accountable programs. This page provides tools, resources, and guidance related to data and performance related activities under WIOA.

Performance – State Performance Measures
The Performance Measures for Student Success Report is the North Carolina Community Colleges System’s major accountability document. This annual performance report is based on data compiled during the previous program year and serves to inform colleges and the public on the performance of our 58 community colleges. For further details and disaggregation of the data, please visit the NCCCS Performance Measures dashboards.
State Performance Measures Report
Post-Exit Measures for 2024-2025 Program Year
- North Carolina Employment (Second Quarter After Exit)
41.0% - North Carolina Employment (Fourth Quarter After Exit)
41.0% - North Carolina. Median Earnings (Second Quarter After Exit)
$5,000 - North Carolina Credential Attainment Rate
31.0% - North Carolina Measurable Skill Gains
College & Career Readiness Dashboards
The North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) dashboards allow users to explore and interact with NCCCS data by theme or program. The dashboards are designed to help providers access the data and information needed to facilitate institutional effectiveness and program improvement. Dashboards include data specific to Basic Skills/College & Career Readiness programs. This information is available through Dashboards.
Any Questions? Contact Us!
Jessica Rieger, Director of Program Performance & Operations
Dalanda Bond, Education Program Specialist, Data & Performance
- Introduction to Title II Performance and Accountability Requirements
- This course provides information about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) performance indicators and the accountability system for the National Reporting System (NRS) for reporting literacy data.
- Power BI June 21 and 22, 2021– Detailed Data for Providers Recorded Session
- MSGs 1c and 1d and Power BI Data Calculation for PY 2023-2024 Training Webinar
- Utilizing MSG 3, 4, & 5 to Capture Performance
- 2024-2025 NC Assessment Manual (changes are highlighted in yellow)
- CCR and Workforce Development Boards
- Workforce Continuing Education Courses Eligible for Title II post-secondary transition
- MSG 1-5 Guidance (2024-2025)
- NRS Table – Quick Reference
Literacy Education Information System
(LEIS) Form
NOTE: Set print settings to landscape orientation when printing forms.
- LEIS Fillable Form revised March 2024
Fillable pdf | Non-Fillable pdf | Non-Fillable docs | YouTube Video: How to fill in the LEIS form - LEIS Form ‘How To’ Guide
- LEIS Form Data Dictionary
- Barriers to Employment Definitions