NRS Assessment
Why do we assess our adult learners? Through reliable assessments that address the needs of our students and adequately measure their skills, we can accurately determine placement, concretely communicate progress to our institution, our students, and our instructors, and determine next steps in personalized instruction. Assessments provide data for these decisions.
- The majority of Measurable Skill Gains (MSGs) earned in North Carolina come from pre- to post-test educational functioning level (EFL) gains.
- North Carolina’s goal for each program year is to post-test at least 65% of students who have a valid pre-test.
- The Federal Register specifies which assessments are approved by the NRS for pre- and post-testing.

It is necessary to complete training before administering assessments. Along with initial training, assessment administrators must take refresher training every two years.
Best Plus 2.0 Training Workshops
CASAS Test Implementation and Remote Testing Training
TABE 11/12 Certification (Parts 1 & 2)
Password: tabecertdrc
Important Resources
Accommodation Guidelines:
Assessment Contacts:
Assessment Manual: