Blog Archives

Read on for an encouraging student success story at Robeson Community College's...
- Cheryl Hemric
- Categories: News, Programs, Providers

‘Expanding Opportunities’: General Assembly budget bolsters community college career pathways for individuals...
- Nancye Gaj
- Categories: Program Management, Programs

Check out OCTAE’s newly launched self-paced Universal Design for Learning (UDL) learning...
- n.a.
- Categories: Professional Development, Publishers

Interested in advocacy work and effectively building your Adult Education brand at...
- n.a.
- Categories: Professional Development, Program Management, Publishers

Look no further to help cover the cost of GED vouchers for...
- Penelope Radcliffe
- Categories: Program Management, Programs, Testing

Check out Pitt Community College’s in-depth approach to preparing their HSE students...
- Melissa Morlock
- Categories: Program Management, Programs, Providers

See below for information on the upcoming universal technical assistance (TA) webinars...
- n.a.
- Categories: Professional Development, Publishers

Give your students the opportunity to try out the new Reading GOALS...
- n.a.
- Categories: Testing

Feel free to contact Michael Tildsley ( for more information....
- Michael Tildsley
- Categories: Programs, Publishers

Please contact Sherri Hill, High School Equivalency Education Specialist ( or Dr....
- Michael Tildsley
- Categories: Programs, Publishers, Testing
- n.a.
- Categories: Newsletter